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a masseuse performing a Head Massage us part of a head, neck and shoulders massage service in ixelles

Head neck & shoulders massage

Relax with our 30-minute head, neck and shoulder massage. This service is specifically designed to focus on stretching the upper back and neck muscles, helping to relieve tension and promote relaxation.


We will use a combination of stretching and massage techniques to target specific areas of tension in the head, neck and shoulders. This massage can also help improve circulation, reduce headaches leaving you in general relaxation.


Say goodbye to upper body discomfort with our 30-minute head, neck & shoulders massage. Make an appointment now and thank us later.



Rue du bailli, 1050 Ixelles

Politique d'annulation

As the chosen treatments are reserved exclusively for you, given the customer, we value your business and ask that you respect the scheduling policies. Should you need to cancel or reschedule, please notify us at least 3 hours in advance. Any cancellations with less than 3 hours of notice are subject to be fully charged. 


We recognize the time of our guests and staff is valuable and have implemented this policy for this reason. When you miss an appointment with us without cancellation we also miss an appointment that could have been taken by any other guest willing to agree to our cancellation policy.  


To whom that book less than 3 hours before the service schedule, means you agree to our policies and will be fully charged for any reason of cancellation.


Thank you for understanding.

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